Focus School Software allows you to see your student s grades
FOCUS School Software
Parents & Guardians:
You can register to check your student's grades, progress report, and report card on FOCUS School Software:
Click the following link for INFORMATION TO SET UP your FOCUS account
Students and Parents:
You can access progress reports and report cards through the
Hendry County Focus Portal
1. Please log in to your Focus portal
2. Click on the tab labeled Reports. 3. Click on the progress report, or report card link you would like to view or print.
3. Select Download to view the progress report, or report card in a PDF print preview screen, at which point, it can be printed, downloaded, etc.
Parents students should be able to access Focus while signed in to their school account. This is the source they use to check their grades and to see what assignments they are missing.
If you have difficulty accessing the report through Focus please contact our office staff to have a paper copy printed for you.